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a word with many shades of meaning中文是什么意思

用"a word with many shades of meaning"造句"a word with many shades of meaning"怎么读"a word with many shades of meaning" in a sentence


  • 有许多相近意思的一个词


  • China has given all its other firms the option of complying with them “ voluntarily ” ? a word with many shades of meaning
    中国给予其他(非上市)公司“自愿”服从这些标准的选择权- - - “自愿”是个含意丰富的词。
用"a word with many shades of meaning"造句  
a word with many shades of meaning的中文翻译,a word with many shades of meaning是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译a word with many shades of meaning,a word with many shades of meaning的中文意思,a word with many shades of meaning的中文a word with many shades of meaning in Chinesea word with many shades of meaning的中文a word with many shades of meaning怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。